Project Overview

This ethnographic research project is aimed at comprehensively analyzing and improving various facets of the library. The study delved into the library's physical space, technological offerings, user behavior, and community impact. Through a mixed-methods approach involving observations and interviews, the research sought to understand user preferences, identify areas for improvement, and assess the library's significance within the diverse Boulder community. Themes were derived from our insights, and subsequent data analysis allowed us to formulate recommendations aimed at enhancing the library space. The outcomes included a detailed report with these user-centric recommendations, providing valuable insights for optimizing the library experience and contributing to the broader field of community-centric design and library science.

Data Analysis

Recommendations based on Insights

During the research at the Boulder Public Library, extensive observations were made covering various aspects of the library experience. To make sense of this rich data, a structured approach was used that involved sticky notes, sub-categories, super groups, and insights.


Based on the insights gathered from the research, several key themes emerged that collectively contribute to the identity and impact of Boulder Public Library. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of the library's role as a place within the community and offer valuable considerations for enhancing its overall experience:

Research Questions

Q1. What Makes This Space a Place?

Q2. What Are the Informatics of the Place?

Q3. What Recommendations Do You Offer to Improve the Space?

Observation of the Space:

Through systematic observation and documentation of the physical environment, noting how visitors interact with various areas, the presence of comfortable seating, the use of natural lighting, and any aesthetically appealing elements that contribute to the sense of place.

Participant Observation:

Immersing in the library environment, taking notes of how visitors engage with the space emotionally and socially. This includes observing facial expressions, body language, and interactions with the library staff or other patrons.

Informal Contextual Interviews:

Engaging in casual conversations with library visitors and staff, we'll inquire about their perceptions, emotions, and personal experiences related to the library. This method will allow us to capture subjective insights that contribute to the library's identity as a place.

Versatile Physical Infrastructure:

The presence of diverse seating options, study and meeting rooms, and outdoor spaces allows the library to cater to a wide range of user needs, from relaxation to focused work and group activities. Charging and power stations indicate a recognition of modern users' needs, providing a practical amenity for staying connected while using digital devices.

Engaging Audio and Visual Elements:

The presence of diverse seating options, study and meeting rooms, and outdoor spaces allows the library to cater to a wide range of user needs, from relaxation to focused work and group activities. Charging and power stations indicate a recognition of modern users' needs, providing a practical amenity for staying connected while using digital devices.

Local and Regional Integration:

The library's role as a gathering place for the local community contributes to the area's inclusiveness and social fabric, reinforcing its importance as a hub for shared experiences, learning, and social interaction.

Empowerment through Digital Resources:

The availability of technology, digital resources, and charging stations enables users to access a wealth of information, fostering learning, exploration, and connectivity. The library serves as a hub for digital interactions, showcasing its commitment to staying relevant in the digital age.

Positive User Experience and Behavior:

The observed flow of people and their behaviors within the library, as well as the existence of study and meeting rooms, play a crucial role in creating a comfortable and enjoyable user experience.

Layout Analysis of the Space:

Through a structured analysis of the library's layout, we'll examine the organization of different sections, the accessibility of information, and the strategic placement of digital resources, such as computers, self-checkout stations, and interactive displays.

Visual Captures of the Space:

Using photography and possibly diagrams or maps, we'll visually document the spatial arrangement of technological components, information displays, and the overall flow of the library.

Interview Recordings:

Conducting formal interviews with library staff responsible for technology and information services, we'll gather insights into the library's digital infrastructure, how technology is utilized to enhance user experience, and any challenges or areas of improvement in this domain.

Video Recordings:

Recording video footage of visitors using the library space and interacting with digital resources will provide a rich source of data for analyzing user behavior and identifying potential pain points or areas of high engagement.

Informal Contextual Interviews (follow-up):

Building on earlier interviews, we can conduct additional interviews with a focus on technology-related aspects. We'll ask visitors and staff about their experiences with digital tools, ease of accessing online resources, and any suggestions they have for enhancing the library's technological offerings.

Layout Analysis (comparison):

A comparative analysis of the library's layout, both with regard to physical space and the integration of technology, will help us pinpoint specific areas where adjustments could be made to optimize the user experience.

Observation and





for Higher-Level




Insights for each





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